Friday, February 19, 2021


 11 important points about this dangerous pandemic we should not ignore:

#1 This Virus is so dangerous we all need to be tested to see if we have It!

#2 The vaccine is so safe we should not even hesitate to take It!

#3 Our official government health authoritie; Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the highest paid person working in government, a lifetime government beurocrate, is the only voice we should listen to. Any scientist or doctor who disagrees with his view needs to be shut up and disregarded!

#4 Our Federal and local government officials who are smarter and more informed than us are telling us what we need to do to fight this deadly plague. They have never lied to us and we should trust them; besides we could be fined and even arrested if we don't  comply. We should always obey the law no matter what it says!

#5 All main stream media is also keeping us informed about the dangerous Virus and they are certainly a most trusted source  to report the facts without bias! Any kind of news that disagrees with them is obviously "conspiracy theory"!

#6 Maybe the biggest reason we should take all this seriously is all our friends and family who have become critically ill, been hospitalized and even died from the covid-19. I personally don't know anyone who has even been sick with it so I am very concerned!

#7 Your children and grandchildren can be especially dangerous spreaders of this pandemic and should not be allowed to go to school or play with other children outside the family.

#8 The churches are extremely dangerous because of the close contact and of course singing has got to be one thing never done. Also most small businesses are probably best avoided; however large spaces like casinos and big corporate stores like Wal-Mart, Abortion clinics, etc. Are fine and we shouldn't avoid them.

#9 If you shake hands with someone or hug them or even get near them, and God forbid kiss them, you are endangering their life; even if you don't have the virus. So all this kind of human contact in general needs to stop!

#10 Even if you've lost your job, can't pay your bills or even feed your family you must not resist any of this. We're all in this together! THIS IS THE NEW NORMAL! don't worry about it. Government help is on the way.

#11 As you may have heard new and much more dangerous strains of the virus are arriving in our country so we must be prepared for further and even more restrictions, economic hardships, possible food shortages, and general continued breakdown of life as we have known it. But just keep in mind: All the world leaders are in agreement on these policies and we just need to trust them and not resist any of this because we know they certainly know better than you or me!

P.S. I really hope if you've read thru this you see this article is sarcasm on my part all the way. I DONT BUY INTO ANY OF IT!. My biggest fear is that so many people buy it All! If you are any kind of student of the bible you know that this is very much a sign that God is bringing a close to the age of grace we are in and we can look up and rejoice that A true far better "new world order" is soon coming!

MARANATHA ! (our Lord is coming quickly)


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