Recently I began losing tv signals in locations I knew had good reception. Since my antenna was over 25 years old I assumed it had failed. You may have noticed that RV manufacturers no long use the old style crank up antenna like the one to the right; now the antennas are small saucer shaped, mounted only 8"s or so off the roof. This is great as you no longer have to remember to crank down your antenna before you drive off down the road; as I would frequently do!
I replaced the old "bat wing" antenna with the one pictured here.It is made to mount on the old crank up style assemblies and function just like the old antenna. After installing it my signal was no better. The 12 volt power supply in the RV was working fine; that left only the 25 year old cable running from inside up to the antenna as the problem.
Getting Signals:
It seems miraculous how a tv antenna can reach out 50 miles, grab a signal, send it to the receiver in the tv and produce a perfect hi-resolution picture.
I have found when the station antennas are a long ways away the antenna on my roof sometimes has to be rotated precisely in the right spot to pick up the channels.
Even the location of the RV sometimes can be moved a matter of a few feet and make an amazing difference in the amount of channels you pick up. The digital signals that almost all tv stations are broadcast in are either crystal clear or all broken up. If you are old enough you remember the old analog signals that were often fuzzy with lots of static and never perfect like the pictures we get now.
Getting God's Signals:
I love the analogies that Jesus would use from the natural world to expound on our relationship with God; so thinking about God and how we understand His comunication with us I see the broadcast station as the bible. The signal comes in to us thru our eyes or ears. The receiver is the Spirit of God living within every born again believer; who makes the comunication clear and understandable. The tv or our mind cannot decode the miraculous Word of God without the Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds.This is why the bible makes no sense until a person receives thru faith the amazing gift of God that Christ provided by His death for our sins, being buried in a grave and rising three days latter.This is the Gospel (or good news) 1 Corinthians 15:3
Maybe not the greatest analogy? But maybe the tips on RV tv antennas will help!
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